What you need to know about Xhorse tokens and Xhorse points

The purpose of this blog is to offer locksmiths a comprehensive guide on Xhorse tokens and Xhorse points, including acquiring Xhorse bonus points, obtaining tokens, and exploring their various applications.

Acquiring Bonus Points:

Method1:Utilize Xhorse new remotes.

Upon successfully generating a new remote, you will receive bonus points. The number of bonus points varies depending on the specific remote model. Please consult the Xhorse Universal Remote Bonus Points List for more information.

Method 2: Submit feedback to Xhorse via the App.

Follow these steps:

Open Xhorse App>> press”I want to develop remotes.”

Click “I want (to) develop remotes” again>> provide the required information and click “submit.” Once your submission undergoes manual review by Xhorse, the bonus points will be awarded.

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Get to know Xhorse Tokens :

Xhorse tokens are primarily utilized for data collection from most MB car models and password calculations on MB car models.

How to get tokens and more, please refer to:


Xhorse tokens and bonus points rules

What you can do with tokens on VVDI MB TOOL the quantity of token you need(when you have enough tokens) the number of bonus points you need(after calculation, the bonus points will be deducted automatically)(when you don’t have tokens)
Password calculation (if you have an original remote) 1 token 200 bonus points
Password calculation (all key lost) 2 tokens 400 bonus points

IMPORTANT: When performing password calculations using the VVDI MB TOOL, tokens will be deducted first. If you don’t have enough tokens, the bonus points will be deducted instead. If both your tokens and bonus points are insufficient, we recommend contacting your local dealer to purchase tokens or obtain bonus points through the methods mentioned above.

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What options are available when you possess Xhorse Bonus Points?

  1. Utilize Xhorse Bonus Points to Clone Transponder 48 (96 bits) on MINI KEY TOOL:

Upon purchasing a new MINI KEY TOOL, users receive one free token daily for an entire year.

To activate the transponder clone 48 (96 bits) function, follow the instructions.


After the free tokens expire, there are two methods to complete the process:

  1. Exchange 100 bonus points for a one-time Transponder Clone 48 (96 bits).

Watch the demo video for guidance.


  1. If no bonus points are available, tokens can be purchased from local dealers.
  2. Purchase/Exchange Xhorse Device Functions

Spend a small amount of money and Xhorse bonus points to obtain desired functions.

For instance, previous promotions in 2019 allowed users to activate specific functions by paying a nominal fee and using bonus points.

For instance, if you own a VVDI2 Advanced Version and wish to activate OBD48+FEM/BDC+MQB, it can be done for $10 + 2000 bonus points.

Contact your local dealer for more information on ongoing promotions.

Product Condition Promotion Activity Price
VVDI2 Advanced Version Activate OBD48+FEM/BDC+MQB $10+2000 bonus points
VVDI2 Basic Version Activate BMW OBD+CAS4+FEM $250+5000 bonus points
VVDI2 Basic Version Activate VW+4th IMMO $250+3000 bonus points
VVDI2 VW+4th IMMO Activate VW+5th IMMO $150+3000 bonus points
VVDI2 Basic Version Activate VW+4th IMMO + VW+5th IMMO 320$ +2000 bonus points
VVDI2 Advanced Version Activate 48(96bits) Transponder Clone 10$+2000 bonus points
VVDI2/VVDI KEY TOOL Activated 48(96bits) Transponder Clone A free token every day for a whole year 10$+1500 bonus points
  1. Use bonus points as a gift to others:

All the bonus points in your account can be easily transferred as gifts to friends or customers.

READ  Xhorse App download, register and user instruction


  1. Exchange Xhorse products in Bonus Points Mall

Access the Xhorse App and click “Shop”>>select the desired products and click “Exchange”

It is recommended to contact your local dealer before proceeding with product exchange to ensure that they will facilitate the exchange for you.


That’s all you need to know about Xhorse Points and Xhorse Tokens, if you have questions about this tech support article, please feel free to email us at Sales@XhorseShop.us

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